It's almost been a year since my last post. A lot has happened, but I can't really remember much before Christmas. :-)
Ivy turned 3 in January! She is growing and talking and learning so much. It is remarkable how she changes right before my eyes. She considers herself a princess and constantly tells me her prince is on his way to take her to the ball. She also tells me that I'm pretty even though I'm not wearing a dress. :-) Her daily wardrobe includes at least 1 dress.
However, she does still enjoy her cuddle time with mommy and for that I am extremely grateful.

Henry turns 2 on Wednesday. I cannot believe it's been 2 years since we welcomed the little linebacker into the world. He is my smiley little dude who also enjoys cuddle time with mommy! His motto is, "Anything Ivy does I can do better." He does a good job of keeping up with her.
In his less than two years he has so far endured a broken arm, concussion, and most likely a broken nose. He's a very cautious little thing but when he falls, he does it on a grand scale. :-)

To say I am very blessed with the family I have is an understatement.

This year I took on another challenge...
I've decided to train for and run a trail half marathon in Hawaii in December. Between now and then I will run the Shamrock 5K, a half marathon in the summer and perhaps a trail run in the fall.
This is my third week in training and I feel like I'm getting into a rythm. It's not easy getting up at 4:50 each morning to go run on a treadmill. Especially since I am a swimmer, not a least I was until 3 weeks ago. :-)
Ben is still coaching and I am back at Nike after a 6 month break to work at Schnitzer Steel.
Enjoy the photos of our ever changing children. :-)

More to come.....