Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Welcome to the world Ivy Christine Swinehart

Ivy Christine was born January 27, 2009 at Providence Hospital.
She was 7.12 lbs and 20 inches long. She arrived at 1pm sharp.

Ben and I checked into the hospital at midnight with my contractions less than 5 minutes apart.
Our birth coach Cindy arrived at 1am.
It was slow going and extremely painful for the first 6 hours. Once I decided I wasn't a failure for needing the drugs, we got the epidural and things progressed quicker.
At 11:30 the pushing began and we welcomed Ivy with open arms and lots of tears at 1.

It's 9:15 and we've had a ton of visitors. We are certainly blessed with family and friends. Ben is rocking our little girl as I update everyone and then she'll be ready for a feeding before tucking her into bed.

We are so blessed and excited. She is perfect and we couldn't have asked for anything more.

I will post some of the pictures in a bit. Our connection is pretty slow.


Lindz, Ben and Ivy.

1 comment:

morganrenee said...

I'm still so tickled! You guys made a person! That's so freaking amazing. You guys are champions. I can't wait to see you again, possibly tomorrow night, but more likely not until Sunday.

I hope you get some sleep!
Much love.