It's been a few days since my last post. In that time Ivy has gone back to the lactation clinic for a weigh in. She now weighs 7lbs 12.8oz so we are free to keep doing what we're doing.

Ivy loves to eat and has decided that cluster feeding for 3 hours twice a day is a really good idea in addition to her meals every 3-4 hours. At first I was worried by this, but after speaking with my cousin, who has a daughter 1 month older than Ivy, I learned it is not just Ivy doing this.

Ivy is also learning to sleep in her crib at night. 2 nights ago she slept in 3 hour spurts only waking to eat. I thought that was a pretty sweet deal. The following night she didn't sleep at all so I thought maybe she was just teasing me the previous night.

Last night she slept from 11 - 3 and 4 - 7. Then she also slept from 8 - 10:45 but I didn't need that sleep since I had slept in my bed for 7 hours the previous night. YAY!
Today Ivy and I explored the neighborhood some more while daddy was at the pool. When Ben got home we went on another walk with Charlie. It's a GORGEOUS day to be outside.
When we got home Ivy crashed and so did Ben so I had some quiet time to just sit and read the paper.
Tomorrow we have a Blazer game and we are contemplating taking Ivy. Either way, she'll be sporting her new Blazer gear and there will be pictures.
For now, here are some pics my cousin Jen took at the hospital after Ivy was born.
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