I am falling behind on the blogging. I meant to post this blog at the beginning of last week, but alas, I went back to work and being a working mother is DIFFICULT. I don't even feel like I have enough time to give to Ivy, let alone blogging. So, tonight you will get the post from last week and the Easter post.

I could not have asked for a better birthday. The lake was peaceful, the weather was amazing and the company was superb. We had a GREAT time. We relaxed, ate amazing food, played games, ate amazing food and watched Ivy enjoy the sites and sounds of the lake and it's surroundings. It was a ton of fun to watch her interact with her grandma and grandpa. Ben and I were excited that they got to spend so much time with her and learn her personality a bit more along with her schedule and quirks.

Each boat trip was easier and the last morning we put her in the life jacket and she was fine. It was as if she learned that when she gets in the boat, she wears the life jacket. It's best to teach them young I guess.

She is so much fun these days. She smiles, talks and giggles more and more each day.
Ben, Ivy and I spent last weekend with Ben's parents at their house on Tenmile Lake. It was a GORGEOUS weekend, a perfect weekend to celebrate my 33rd birthday and Rod and Joanne's 35th wedding anniversary.
Ivy had her first boat ride that weekend. The cabin is only accessible by boat, so Rod and Joanne met us at the County docks and picked us up. They had with them Ivy's first life jacket. It was a struggle at first, but once the boat started up, Ivy was intrigued with the noise of the motor and the wind in her hair.
Ivy also got a bit of time just lounging on the deck. She wore her first sun bonnet and had her first dose of sunscreen.
It's been rough going back to work. I miss her a ton, but I know she's in good hands with Ben and my mom.
Hope you enjoy the photos. I love looking at them.
great photos!! My favorite is the one of Ivy sleeping on your lap while your reaching for a beer!! haha
I agree with Andrea's comment. It looks like you are wearing an inflatable life vest and it came with a baby attached! happy easter/birthday/baby and new job!
Wow. Ivy has so much hair. Regina has a comb over now! You all look fantastic. Don't you love the baby smiles and giggles? it is too much fun!
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