It's been a week since my last post and that week was CRAZY!
I worked 60 hours this past week, which in Holland is NOT typical. It was rough. I didn't see the babies for 2 full days, so now I know how you all back home must be feeling. :-)

Besides having a crazy week we are doing well.
Henry is fighting his first cold, but I think teething might be involved. He is winning the battle quickly though so that's nice. He is also sitting up fulltime now and LOVES to sit in a highchair when we go out to eat. I am hoping to get him one for the house this week.

Ivy is clearly nearing her 2 yr mark. She had a full on temper tantrum the other day for no real reason at all. I think she is getting one of her 'fang' teeth and it is painful. Hopefully that has something to do with it. She is also talking more and more and is so animated. We are really enjoying her grow up...although it is happening rather fast. :-)

Today is Sunday and we are spending another restful day at home letting everyone recover from the week. While Ben took the laudry to the Izi Wash and Henry took his nap, Ivy and I got online and looked at pictures. She recognized her grammy and grandma jo immediately and blew them both kisses. Then we pulled up pictures of her aunties and uncles and when I asked her point out certain people she did. Then she reached out as if wanting to hold them. When I told her they weren't here she blew them kisses as well. It was very sweet and nice to know she still knows who all of you are.

While I was working, Ben and the babies found the local petting zoo and spent an afternoon exploring all of the animals. They also found and enjoyed the local Shwarma restaurant. YUM! Rain or shine they get out and about each day with or without a destination in mind. Sometimes it's just a great way for the babies to get some fresh air.

Ben and I were able to arrange for the babysitter to come over a few times over the past week and had some fun adventures.
Wed night Ben had his board game night and I went to knitting. It was nice to relax at the cafe with my knitting friends.
We met up with my work friends Eddie and Brannon (here from the US) on Thursday night and had some Tapas. The restaurant wasn't far from our house and the food was DELICIOUS.
Friday night we met up with the same friends and my friend Julian (another developer from work here from the US). We went into Amsterdam for some drinks and dinner. It was nice to have some fun adult time on the town.
Saturday afternoon we went to Jami and Igor's for their Wine and Cheese party. We had originally planned to stay a while and go out in Utrecht, but the craziness of the week and weekend coupled with Henry having a cold helped us decide to come home early and spend a quiet evening together. It was glorious.
I'm gearing up for another crazy week at work, but hoping it won't be super long days, just funfilled. :-)
I have knitting on Monday this week and Ben's game night is Wed so we will take turns staying home with the babes and save some euros on babysitting.
Enjoy the pics. I'm working on another video. I'll try to keep the size down so it will fit on the blog.
Until next time...
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