Thursday, January 29, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Hi All.

Today we brought our daughter home. It was and is amazing.

We fed her when we got home and then she took a 3 hour nap in her crib. It was really nice for us to be able to relax a bit as well.

When she woke up we fed her again and then took her for a stroll through the neighborhood, introducing her to trees and the sunshine. She seemed to love being bundled in her stroller. The fresh air was good for us all.

Tonight Ben and I are planning to relax a bit with Miss Ivy and enjoy our first night at home as a family.

Enjoy the pictures.


The Fam said...

Love, love, triple love the picture of her on your chest!!! So beautiful. Congratulations and enjoy your time at home together!

Sonya said...

Look at how tiny she is in her giant crib! :) You look fantastic, btw! Hope you and Ben are enjoying your time with Ivy, as you get comfy back at home.
