Saturday, July 31, 2010

Arrived Safely in Hilversum

Hi all.

We arrived safely in Holland.
The trip over was good. The babies did much better than I had expected.
The first day/night was rough, but we seem to be doing better each day.

Last night we were invited to my boss, Nathalie's, house for a BBQ with her and her family (husband and 1 year-old). It was so much fun. Their home is not far from ours and it is very nice.
They have a lovely garden out back where we ate dinner and the children played.

The dinner was so delicious and gourmet.
We started with some caprese salad and french cheese with bread while the salmon was BBQing.
That was just the STARTER course. :-)
Next came green salad and potatoe salad and the most amazing burger I have ever had (sans bun).
The final course was a 'sausage' that was long and thin like a pepperoni stick. It had so much flavor.
We finished with a taste of an apricot pastry that mom and I picked up at Nathalie's (and now our) favorite French Bakery that is just around the corner from our house.

We had a lovely time.

Today is Saturday so we are going to rest a bit and go exploring in the car before I return it on Monday.

Hope everyone in the states is doing well.

More later!



Joanne Swinehart said...

Thanks for the update Lindz. So glad things are going well. Now that the hard part is over, it will be fun to settle in and discover new things.
All is well with the Swineharts in Salem. Today is preparation day for the BIG trip:) Love,Joanne

Andrea said...

Can we PLEASE eat all that stuff when I come and visit!! I need fish, and a great burger and pastries and CHEESE!!!! PLEASE!!! =)

morganrenee said...

So when did you eat the salmon??