Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Happy 3 weeks old!

It's been over a week since I updated our blog. Sorry for those of you in Ivy withdrawals.

Ivy has been a busy girl.

She went to her first Blazer game, first conference championship swim meet, first Valentine's Day, first tea party and first trip to sushi...

She also went on her first road trip to Seattle to see her Uncle Brock and Aunt Katie.
Ivy is getting bigger. I can't believe how fast she changes.

As I write this, she is sleeping in her swing with her little foot hanging out of the blankets to keep her cool. :-)

She is slowly getting into a routine of sleeping in blocks at night.

Last night Ben was up with her for a few hours which was nice cuz I actually made myself stay in bed and sleep a bit. At 6 I got up to Ben saying, "she's rooting for food on me". That was my cue that it was time for mom to take over. Ivy's new routine is to eat at least 4 oz of formula and then want to nurse to relax her and help her sleep. I don't mind because I know she'll sleep that way. Plus, I love holding her close and just watching her for a bit.
Today Grandma Joanne came for a visit. She and Ivy spent some time together while Ben and I ran some errands. It was nice to get out for a bit.

I know I've said this before, but we are really lucky to have our families around to help us out. Ivy is a very luck little Bean to have so many people around that love her.

I've posted some random pics in this posting because I just found them on the camera chip.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I miss her already!!! Once a week is not enough!!