Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Kipu Falls Heaven

Today we found heaven.

If you've ever done mental imagery and relaxation exercises you know the drill. Close your eyes and imagine the most peaceful place you can think of.

My (Ben) mind always took me to a waterfall plunging into a deep picturesque pool. Today our adventures brought us to such a place.

In my minds eye, I missed the beautiful flowers and tall grass surrounding the pools. I also missed the magnificent tree that grew out of the cliffs edge creating a natural ladder up the cliff from the pool. This trees limbs stretched out over the pool, creating a perfect rope swing.

As you can see from the pictures, heaven is a pretty fun place.

One picture that is missing is of a local who climbed up to the top branches of the tree and walked "Shawn Johnson Balance Beam Style" out on the branch and stepped into a 50 foot drop into the pool. Awesome!

Tomorrow, I'm planning on spearing a fish, even if I have to swim in the Koi Pond.

It was a lot of fun for me (Lindz) to sit on top of the falls and watch Ben jump off the ledge, swim in the beautiful pond below, climb the ladder, swing from the rope and return to the pond. The weather was gorgeous, yet again and we just hung out and enjoyed. When I got over heated, I found a quaint little pool in the river above the falls and cooled myself off.
(Check out the ever growing belly!)
As the sun began to set, we hiked back to the car and made our way to Duke's restuarant overlooking Nawiliwili Bay. We had a table overlooking the beach and water. We watched the rowers workout and watched a Coast Guard ship head out to sea.

It was another wonderful day in paradise.

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